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 What have Wales done for us?!?!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Peaks Posted - 01/03/2005 : 17:38:19
For those of you involved in the "what have Wales done for us" argument including St David on Friday I found this today (St Davids Day)on the BBC website to clarify what he actualy did.

St David Factfile

There aren't many facts about St David; but here are the only undisputed ones.

* He really existed

* He was at the heart of the Welsh church in the 6th century

* He came from an aristocratic family in West Wales

* His mother was a saint, Saint Non

* His teacher was also a saint, St Paulinus

* He founded a large monastery in West Wales

* He was one of the early saints who helped to spread Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of Western Britain

* He became Archbishop of Wales, but remained in his community at Menevia (now called St Davids)

* He was active in supressing the Pelagian heresy

* His shrine became a great place of pilgrimage; four visits to
the shrine at St David's was considered the equivalent of two to Rome,
and one to Jerusalem!

The most famous story about Saint David tells how he was preaching to a huge crowd and the ground is said to have risen up, so that he was
standing on a hill and everyone had a better chance of hearing him. St
David's Day has been a national festival in Wales since the 18th
century, and is still marked with gusto.

Many people will wear either a daffodil or a leek, which are both
symbols of Wales.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
r_earnshaw Posted - 05/03/2005 : 16:19:19
I'm worried why you know so much about me
Gents Posted - 04/03/2005 : 14:18:11
You were born in Zambia? How come you play for Wales then?? Thats crazy, next you'll be telling me a Bristolian plays for Northern Ireland!

And then you moved to wales to seek your fortune, accidently falling into a vat of toxic waste on the way which turned you into a mutant freak-dwarf, and now you actually live in the West Brom stadium?

Or have i got the wrong person?

r_earnshaw Posted - 03/03/2005 : 13:48:11
I was born in Zambia! And I'm a real person, you find me at

West Bromwich Albion FC
The Hawthorns
Halfords Lane
West Bromwich
West Mids
B71 4LF

im the 1 with the pretty face that scores all the goals!
Dog Posted - 02/03/2005 : 18:27:21
A real person like.... R_Earnshaw from Zambia i suppose ?!

Hannah More Zider .......its not for gays.
r_earnshaw Posted - 02/03/2005 : 18:17:58
at least he was a real person
Gents Posted - 02/03/2005 : 09:37:16
If a bloke starts preaching religion in the middle of an English village, everyone calls them a nutter and keeps well out of the way... in Wales they build him monastries and shrines, and name a day after him! Leek-munching weirdos.

Smithy Posted - 02/03/2005 : 08:45:54
So he did f**k all, just as I said!!!

Hannah More Zider......
In the Dogging Tent

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